E-Commerce App

Today, more and more customers around the globe prefer online stores over brick and mortar shops. As customers move online, your business must follow and offer products online, too. Our high-quality e-commerce apps for all kinds of businesses and products. We develop scalable apps that can handle your growing business online.

About E-Commerce App

E-commerce has created its own place in people’s lives which has become irreplaceable. Mobile apps provide the convenience and user experience which customers demand from e-commerce options today. With the rapidly growing e-commerce sales, your business can expand at unbelievable rates with help of an e-commerce mobile app.

Zenia Mobile’s e-commerce app development is the best way for you to capture that market.

Colors and Typography




Bold | Semibold | Medium | Regular


Product Lists

The main part of your e-commerce will be the product lists on the front page. You can have an all products list and also special lists with different types of products. Users can scroll and go through all the products listed with information like name, price and offers.


Product Details

The product page is the key to converting users into customers. With multiple pictures and complete descriptions, the customer gets a better idea of the product. The page also has well-placed buttons for users to buy the product from any place on the page.


Easily Accessible Menu

A menu on the side makes navigating easier. The menu can take the user to all the important parts of the app like cart, lists, receipts, settings, account, and more.



Searching the products is a centrala and important feature for any e-commerce app. Search results with all the relevant products add value to the user experience.


Secure Payments

Our apps come with high security payment features for each payment mode. The entered user data and all saved data remains safe with trusted payment gateways for a smooth checkout experience.

App More Screens

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