Doctors Plus App

People love apps which provide them access to information about services around them. Healthcare sector has a great potential to improve people’s access to information about medical experts in their area. Our eDoctors healthcare apps provide comprehensive solutions with reviews, details, chatting and appointment booking features for users.

About Healthcare App

Healthcare is one of the many sectors that can benefit and grow using mobile apps. Multiple doctor consultation and medicine delivery apps have already created a space for themselves and found great success in the market. Zenia Mobile can help you carve out your own space with an innovative healthcare app that has the features of a consultation as well as medicine delivery app for a complete user experience.

Colors and Typography




Bold | Semibold | Medium | Regular


App Introduction

A short introduction with a few screens helps users get an idea of what to expect from your unique healthcare app.

We introduce your app’s vision and all the main features like doctor search, communications and ordering medicines using these slides which your old users can choose to skip.


Doctor Categories

Doctor categories help patients personalize their experience and navigate the app as per their needs. We create a complete list of all the specialists with relevant information to help patients find the kind of expertise they’re looking for.


Doctor Profiles

When the user clicks on one of the doctors in the list, they’re taken to the doctor profile screen. Here, they find the doctor’s bio, services they offer, education, contact details, and the address.

From the same screen, the user can proceed to book an appointment with the doctor once they’ve taken a good look at the profile.


Time Slot

After the date is selected, the next step is choosing the time slot on the given day. A list of time slots is shown to the user with available slots highlighted for them



The appointments screen lists all the appointments from the past as well as upcoming ones too. The appointments are categorized based on old and upcoming ones to make finding appointments easier.

App More Screens

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